
Setting up Notes user

Start user register

Domino Administrator->People& Groups->Tools->People->Register

select OU id 7 input password.

Register usr by default settings

(If you create a user but you haven't registered it right now. The User information was hold on USERREG.NSF that locates on local workstation)

input last name & password click then click register.
The following is the default settings of Notes

Enabling Roam user
Select the "Enable Roaming for this person"
Click then click register
The roam user don't need your copy id & you personal information to a new pc, if you want to use a new pc to replace a old one. Roaming user will synchronous local Name.NSF Bookmark.NSF Journal.NSF with Domino server. The Roaming user will get your information for Domino server. It's very useful for replacing pc and Multiple users computer.
Advance tab

1. Make sure you have the following access before you begin registration:
v Access to the certifier ID and its password, if you are not using the Lotus Domino server-based
certification authority (CA).
v Access to the Domino Directory from the machine you work on.
v Editor access or Author access with Create Documents role and the UserCreator privilege in the
Domino Directory on the registration server.
v Create new databases access on the mail server if you plan to create user mail files during
v Create explicit policies and settings documents if you plan to use policy-based system
v Access to the certification log (CERTLOG.NSF) on the registration server.
2. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.
3. From the Servers pane, choose the server to work from.
4. Select Domino Directories, and then select People.
5. From the Tools pane, click People - Register.
6. Enter the certifier password and click OK.


If you want use CA to register new user.
Configuration->tools->certificates->migrate certifier->choose cert id
Add current lotus server to CAA & RA field.
Click OK. You can use CA to manage users now.
Register user by text file
1) Last name
2) First name
3) Middle initial
4) Organization unit
5) Password
6) ID file directory (You should create the directory before register users)
7) ID file name
8) Mail server name
9)Mail file directory
10) Mail file name
11) Location
13)Forwarding address
15)Local administrator
16)Internet address
17)Short name
18)Alternate name (The alternate name of the user. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language)
19)Alternate org unit (A word that distinguishes two users who have the same name and are certified by the same certifier ID. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language.)
20)Mail template
The following is the example.
You must change the password Level and select hold id in file before you import txt file
If you want to register some users which belongs to different OU. You should logon the up level OU/O firstly.
Add a alternate language and name to a user ID
1)add alternate language to cert id.
2)add alternate language to OU id
3)add alternate language to user id
Open Domino Administrator->Configuration->Certification->Certify..
* Cert ID select the cert id->click OK->select cert id again->click add->add proper alternate information
* OU ID select the cert id->click OK->select OU id->click add->add proper alternate information (You only can select the information from the items which was selected in cert ID)
* User ID select the OU id->click OK->select User id->click add->add proper alternate information (You only can select the information from the items which was selected in OU ID)
Or you can set the information when you are registering users. You should add the alternate information in Advance->other->Alternate language...


Configuring Multiple web sites on Domino 8 (Copy from John Roling)

Lotus Domino, by default, sets up one website when you turn on the HTTP task on the server. Domino points to a database called homepage.nsf. This is simple placeholder database that shows a user hitting the web site links to Notes/Domino help and other IBM Lotus websites. Obviously, you will want change this as soon as you turn on HTTP on the server.

If you are only going to have one site, you can edit the details of the site in your Server document. But, since Domino has the power to do so, you might as well enable it to serve up more than one site.

Changing the Server Document

The first thing you have to do is open your Domino Directory and find your Server document. On the Basics tab, in the Basics section you will see the option to Load Internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents:

Set this to Enabled. This tells your Domino server to look at individual Website documents to see which websites reside on your server instead of pulling that information from the Server document.

Adding Website Documents

In the address book, choose the Configuration section, and then expand the Web section. You will see the Internet Sites view.

Click on Internet Sites and you will see a list of existing sites on the right (if there are any) Since there are none on your server at this time, you will want to start adding them.

You can create as many sites as your hardware can handle, and they can all share the same IP address on the server. What you do to differentiate them is give them different URL's. In my example I have www.acme.com (my default site) and site2.acme.com both pointing to the same IP address. Now we just have to tell Domino that they are different sites and reside in different places.

Click Add Internet Site, and choose Web. This will create a new Website document. It will look like below:

The Basics tab holds the following information:

  • Descriptive name for the site -- This is just a name for you to use to differentiate sites on the server. This has no effect on how the site works.
  • Organization -- This is just a category that you can sort sites by. For example, if you run multiple companies, you may want to put their name here so sites for that company sort accordingly.
  • Use the web site to handle requests which cannot be mapped to any other websites -- This could have been simply been called "Default Website?" This means that this is the website that is served up if Domino can't figure out what you were trying to hit based on the URL you typed in.
  • Host names or addressed mapped to this site -- If you answered No above to being the default site, then this is the area you would enter your site's URL. I'll explain that more shortly.
  • Domino servers that host this site -- Enter the servers that will host this website. You can just put one there if the site it only in one location. If you have your site replicated to multiple servers, then you enter multiple servers in this list.
  • The Configuration tab has a bunch of advanced web settings that are beyond the scope of this article and you can leave as defaults. There are two things that are very important however.

  • Home URL -- This is the default file that opens up when someone hits this site. It can be a Notes database or an HTML file. This location is relative to the Domino Data directory. So in the above example /mywebsite.nsf is located in the servers Data directory. If you were to place it in a folder called sitefiles inside of the Data directory, your entry would look like /sitefiles/mywebsite.nsf
  • HTML Directory -- This is where Domino will look for HTML files if they are not embedded in a Notes database. So for example, if your Notes database calls for a link to hit page1.html then you would want to put page1.html in this folder on the server. This folder is also relative the the Data directory on the Domino server.

    For the purpose of this article, we will leave the other tabs of the website document at their default settings and click Save and Close. To find information on those tabs and their associated settings please check out the Domino Administrator help files. Once you create a website document, your HTTP task doesn't know about it for awhile unless you force the issue. So on the Domino server console itself, you can enter:

  • tell http refresh

    This will force the http task to put the new parameters into effect. You can also restart the http task or reboot the server. All three will force the website documents to go into effect.

    So now we have our default website set up. Any http traffic coming to this Domino server will be served mywebsite.nsf. So, since www.acme.com points to this server, it will serve up mywebsite.nsf. Now, we want to add another site called site2.acme.com. You can see the settings for that in the next graphic.

    As you will see, the only changes we have on the Basics tab are that the default site settings are set to NO, and we put the actual URL for site2.acme.com in the Host names or addresses mapped to this site field. This tells Domino that any incoming http traffic destined for site2.acme.com goes to whatever we set up on the Configuration tab.

    So if the Home URL of this site is mySecondWebsite.nsf, then that is what will be served up to users going to site2.acme.com. So with these two documents in place, the following is true:

  • People going to site2.acme.com will get mySecondWebsite.nsf
  • People going to anything else will be served myWebsite.nsf
  • Conclusion

    As you can see, you can create as many websites as you wish and serve them all up from one server. Just make sure to always have a default site. Without a default site, http traffic coming to the server that doesn't match any sites will receive an error message.

    Use website documents to your advantage on your intranet by setting up easy to use URL's for all of your applications. hr.acme.com, sales.acme.com, phonebook.acme.com, or intranet.acme.com are simply a quick website document away. You won't have to buy additional hardware or software and your users will appreciate the added simplicity.

    About this Series

    This series of articles on intranet solutions with IBM Lotus Notes/Domino and it's companion products is intended to help readers understand the fundamental methodology and capabilities of the product and how to utilize it to deliver a feature-rich, secure, and functional corporate intranet solution. It will include implementation strategies, case studies, industry-tested tips and tricks, and, with your input, true value to the administrator or developer who wants to utilize IBM Lotus technologies to deliver winning intranet solutions.

    If you have any questions on the series, Lotus Notes/Domino, or if there's something you'd like to see addressed, visit the Intranet Journal Discussion Forum.

    The home directory is /local/notesdata/ on Unix system


    Record of Oracle implement (2008-08-13)

    确定硬件配置 和大概价格 200 W 左右
    确定了实施范围 GL AP AR PO Inventory management


    Record of Oracle implement (2008-08-12)

    方案1 只实施GL 实施时间1个月 1人
    方案2 GL+AP+AR+inventory management. 实施时间3个月2-3人.


    unix_response.dat (domino silent install)

    # InstallShield Options File
    # Wizard name: Install
    # Wizard source: setup.jar
    # Created on: Wed Jul 13 15:00:03 EDT 2005
    # Created by: InstallShield Options File Generator
    # This file can be used to configure Install with the options specified below
    # when the wizard is run with the "-options" command line option. Read each
    # setting's documentation for information on how to change its value.
    # A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
    # the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
    # wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
    # execution, use the following command line arguments when running the wizard:
    # for normal installations:
    # -options "sample_response.txt" -silent
    # for express installations:
    # -express -options "sample_response.txt" -silent
    # If this installation appears to have failed (ex. prompt has been returned too quick)
    # search the end of the DominoInstall.log for clues as to why the script installation failed.
    # The DominoInstall.log may be found either in the /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ or /tmp folders.
    # Has the license been accepted
    # The license must be accepted before installation so this value must be true
    # for the install to be successful.

    -G licenseAccepted=true

    # Install Data Directories only
    # Setting the option below allows you to install additional or upgrade existing Server Partitions.
    # The existing Program directory must be specified in this file in order for new Server Partitions
    # to be created, but it will not be upgraded.
    # Existing Data directories do not need to be listed.
    # Only those Data directories specified in this file will be upgraded or added.
    # If you wish to add more than one Partition to your existing Domino server,
    # set an option to install a Partitioned server later in this file to true:
    # -W programFiles.isPartitioned = true
    # Otherwise you will only be able to upgrade or install one Data directory.
    # Warning:
    # If you do not have an existing Domino Server on your system,
    # please do not check the box below for the option to add data directories only.

    -W InstallDataOnlyOptionPanel.InstallDataOnly=false

    # Lotus Domino Program Files Install Location
    # The install location of the program files. Specify a valid directory into which the
    # program files should be installed. Directory must not contain spaces.
    # For example, to install the product to /opt/ibm/lotus, use
    # -P installLocation="/opt/ibm/lotus"
    -P installLocation="/opt/ibm/lotus"

    # Lotus Domino Data Install Location
    # The install location of the data files. Specify a valid directory into which
    # the data files should be installed. This property is ignored for partitioned
    # installs. For example, to install the non-partitioned data files to /local/notesdata, use
    # -W normalData.installLocationData="/local/notesdata"

    -W normalData.installLocationData="/local/notesdata"

    # User Input Field - UserName

    -W NameUserGroupPanel.UserName="notes"

    # User Input Field - GroupName

    -W NameUserGroupPanel.GroupName="notes"

    # Lotus Domino Is Partitioned Install
    # Determines if the install is to use partitioned directories or not. Specify a
    # true if this is a paritioned server install, otherwise false. For example, to
    # install partitioned servers, use
    # -W programFiles.isPartitioned=true

    ### -W programFiles.isPartitioned=

    # Lotus Domino Number of Partitions
    # The number of partition directories to be installed. Specify a number between
    # 1 and 15. This property is used to determine how many of the
    # partitionData.installLocationDataX= lines are used below. For example, to
    # install 3 partitions, use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.numPartitions=3

    ### -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.numPartitions=

    # Lotus Domino Install Partitions Locations
    # The install location of the data files for each partition. Specify a valid
    # directory into which the data files should be installed. This property is
    # ignored for non-partitioned installs. It is suggested that you use the name of
    # your server as the name of the directory. For example, to install the
    # partitioned data files for MyServer , use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationData0="/local/notesdata0"
    # To install multiple partitions use a seperate directory line for each
    # partition, for example to install 3 partitions, use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationData0="/local/notesdata0"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationData1="/local/notesdata1"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationData2="/local/notesdata2"

    ###-W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationData0="/local/notesdata0"

    # Lotus Domino Partitions Users
    # The data directory users for each partition. Specify a valid
    # user who will have the permissions to modify data files in each installed partition.
    #This property is ignored for non-partitioned installs.
    #For example, to install the
    # partitioned data files for user "notes" , use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationUser0="notes"
    # Use a separate directory line for each
    # partition user, for example for 3 partitions, use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationUser0="user0"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationUser1="user1"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationUser2="user2"

    ### -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationUser0=""

    # Lotus Domino Partitions Groups
    # Groups for each user of data partition. Specify a valid
    # group for corresponding user of each installed partition.
    #This property is ignored for non-partitioned installs.
    #For example, to specify the group "notesgroup" for user "notes" (see above entry)
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationGroup0="notesgroup"
    # Use a separate directory line for each
    # partition user, for example for 3 partitions, use
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationGroup0="Group0"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationGroup1="Group1"
    # -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationGroup2="Group2"

    ### -W unixPartitionDestinationPanel.installLocationGroup0=""


    # Setup Type
    # The setup type to be used when installing the product. Legal values are:
    # UtilityServer - Domino Utility Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides application services only. Note that it does
    # not include support for messaging services. See full
    # licensing text for details.
    # MessagingServer - Messaging Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides messaging services. Note that it does not
    # include support for application services or Domino
    # clusters.
    # EnterpriseServer - Enterprise Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides both messaging and application services.
    # CustomServer - Customize: Allows you to select the features you want
    # to install.
    # For example, to specify that the "Domino Utility Server" setup type is
    # selected, use
    # -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=UtilityServer
    # You may also set the setup type to nothing by using
    # -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=
    # This clears the current setup type and prevents any changes to the set of
    # selected features. Use this option whenever you set feature active states in
    # this options file. If you do not clear the selected setup type, the setup type
    # panel will override any changes you make to feature active states using this
    # file.

    -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=EnterpriseServer

    # Express Installation Setup Type
    # The setup type to be used when installing the product in Express mode (ex. ./install -express). Legal values are:
    # UtilityServer - Domino Utility Server Express: Installs a Domino
    # server that provides application services only. Note
    # that it does not include support for messaging
    # services. See full licensing text for details.
    # MessagingServer - Domino Messaging Server Express: Installs a Domino
    # server that provides messaging services. Note that
    # it does not include support for application services
    # or Domino clusters.
    # CollaborationServer - Domino Collaboration Server Express: Installs a
    # Domino server that provides both messaging and
    # application services.
    # For example, to specify that the "Domino Utility Server Express" setup type is
    # selected, use
    # -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=UtilityServer
    # You may also set the setup type to nothing by using
    # -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=
    # This clears the current setup type and prevents any changes to the set of
    # selected features. Use this option whenever you set feature active states in
    # this options file. If you do not clear the selected setup type, the setup type
    # panel will override any changes you make to feature active states using this
    # file.

    ### -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=

    # User Input Field - InstallxSPServer
    # The option to setup an xSP server refers to the configuration of an
    # Application Service Provider server. This type of server can only be
    # configured after an Enterprise Server installation.
    # A value of true below will cause the Domino Setup program
    # to configure the server appropriately for xSP functionality.
    # This will add security features not present in a normal configuration,
    # so do not set the vaule to true unless an xSP configuration is
    # specifically required for this server.

    ### -W InstallOptionPanel.InstallxSPServer=false

    # User Input Field - CreateOptIbmLotus
    # The Domino Server software no longer requires the /opt/lotus soft link for
    # handling multi- Domino Server installations on a single operating system.
    # You can now select your own option for the /opt/ibm/lotus soft link feature
    # if you have chosen a directory other than /opt/ibm/lotus for installation.
    # (The default install program path /opt/lotus is changed to /opt/ibm/lotus
    # since Domino 7.)
    # true - indicates creating "/opt/ibm/lotus" soft link
    # false - indicates not creating "/opt/ibm/lotus" soft link

    ### -W InstallOptionPanel.CreateOptIbmLotus=true

    # User Input Field - StartServerSetupType
    # This option is for single local domino server only.
    # Do not use this option for partitioned server or remote server installation.
    # For Express Mode Installations this option is required to be set to either the Local or Remote value.
    # For new server installations, this option allows server setup to be launched
    # automatically after the installation is complete.
    # For server upgrades, this option allows the server to restart automatically
    # after the installation is complete.
    # The default value of Manual , which does not launch
    # server setup or restart the server after installation.
    # Manual - indicated manual server setup (not valid for Express mode)
    # Local - indicated launches local server setup or restarts server
    # Remote - indicates launches server setup in listen mode for remote server setup

    -W ServerSetupPanel.ServerSetupType="Manual"

    # The below Feature options are used when selecting CustomServer for the Setup Type.
    # Indicate feature by feature which install options you select to/not install.
    # "License" Feature
    # The selection state of the "License" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "License" for installation, use
    -P LicenseFeature.active=true

    ### -P LicenseFeature.active=

    # "Program Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Program Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Program Files" for installation, use
    -P ProgramFilesFeature.active=true

    ### -P ProgramFilesFeature.active=

    # "Billing Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Billing Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Billing Support" for installation, use
    -P BillingSupportFeature.active=true

    ###-P BillingSupportFeature.active=

    # "Clustering Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Clustering Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Clustering Support" for installation, use
    -P Clustering SupportFeature.active=true

    ###-P Clustering SupportFeature.active=

    # "Java Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Java Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Java Support" for installation, use
    -P bean2236.active=true

    ### -P bean2236.active=

    # "Data Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Data Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Data Files" for installation, use
    # -P DataFilesFeature.active=true

    -P DataFilesFeature.active=true

    # "Required Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Required Templates" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Required Templates" for installation, use
    -P beanRequiredTemplates.active=true

    #-P beanRequiredTemplates.active=

    # "Administration Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Administration Templates" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Administration Templates" for installation, use
    -P beanAdministrationTemplates.active=true

    ### -P beanAdministrationTemplates.active=

    # "Optional Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Optional Templates" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Optional Templates" for installation, use
    -P beanOptionalTemplates..active=true

    ### -P beanOptionalTemplates..active=

    # "Modem Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Modem Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Modem Files" for installation, use
    -P bean3230.active=true

    ### -P bean3230.active=

    # "Domino WAS Plugins" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino WAS Plugins" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino WAS Plugins" for installation, use
    -P bean3241.active=true

    ### -P bean3241.active=

    # "Certificate Management" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Certificate Management" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Certificate Management" for installation, use
    -P beanCertificateManagement.active=true

    ### -P beanCertificateManagement.active=

    # "Web Services Data Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Web Services Data Files" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Web Services Data Files" for installation, use
    -P beanWebServicesDataFiles.active=true

    ### -P beanWebServicesDataFiles.active=

    # "Readme - NSF File" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Readme - NSF File" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Readme - NSF File" for installation, use
    -P beanReadmeNSF.active=true

    ### -P beanReadmeNSF.active=

    # "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" feature.
    # Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" for installation,
    # use
    -P DAMOFeature.active=true

    ### -P DAMOFeature.active=

    # "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" feature.
    # Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" for
    # installation, use
    -P DECSFeature.active=true

    ### -P DECSFeature.active=

    # "Domino Offline Services" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Offline Services" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Offline Services" for installation, use
    -P DOLSFeature.active=true

    ### -P DOLSFeature.active=

    # "Domino Web Access" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Web Access" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Web Access" for installation, use
    -P DWAFeature.active=true

    ### -P DWAFeature.active=

    # "Sametime Integration" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Sametime Integration" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Sametime Integration" for installation, use
    -P SametimeIntegrationFeature.active=true

    ### -P SametimeIntegrationFeature.active=

    # "Resource Modeling Engine" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Resource Modeling Engine" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Resource Modeling Engine" for installation, use
    -P RMEFeature.active=true

    ### -P RMEFeature.active=

    # "Help" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Help" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Help" for installation, use
    -P HelpFeature.active=true

    ### -P HelpFeature.active=

    # "OS Integration" Feature
    # The selection state of the "OS Integration" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "OS Integration" for installation, use
    -P OSIntegFeature.active=true

    ### -P OSIntegFeature.active=

    remote_response.dat (domino silent install)

    # Lotus Domino Server for UNIX
    # Remote Install Script Template

    script_rev="8.0" # please do not change from user. otherwise it will break your installation

    # To use, copy this file, edit it, and invoke the install program
    # such as "./install -script /tmp/remote_script.dat". To edit the script
    # file, read each section that follows, and change the configuration
    # setting as necessary, following the syntax specified for that section.
    # Script mode allows you to install the Domino Server
    # to one or more computers, each with a different
    # installation configuration as necessary.

    # "target_hosts"
    # If not set (by default it is commented-out),
    # the Domino Server will be installed only to the computer on which
    # the Install Program is being run (the "local host"). The installation
    # settings used will be those of the "Default Settings" sections following
    # this section.
    # If set, specifies one or more target hosts on which the Domino Server
    # will be installed. The local host will be installed to only if it is
    # one of the hosts specified in the target_hosts list. For each host, the
    # installation settings used will be those of the "Default Settings"
    # sections, unless there is a "custom_host_settings" entry for a particular
    # host. The "custom_host_settings" section follows the "Default Settings"
    # sections in this file, and allows you to override one or more of the
    # default settings for any host in the target_hosts list.
    # The double-quoted, comma-separated list may be specified on
    # a single line, or using multiple lines.
    # For example:
    # target_hosts = (
    # "host1",
    # "host2",
    # "host3"
    # )
    # To use this setting, be sure to remove the '#' comment character
    # on the "target_hosts=" line.
    # !!!

    # begin "Default Settings" sections

    # "installation_type"
    #There are different types of Domino server setups available.
    #Your choice depends on your needs, and licensing options.
    #The installation types are:
    # * Domino Messaging Server:
    # Select this option to install a Domino Server
    # that provides messaging services.
    # Note that it does not include support
    # for application services or Domino clusters.
    # * Domino Utility Server:
    # Select this option to install a Domino Server
    # that provides application services
    # only, with support for Domino clusters. Note that it does
    # not include support for messaging services.
    # The Domino Utility Server is a new installation type for
    # Lotus Domino 6 that removes client access license requirements.
    # See full licensing text for details from UI installation.
    # * Domino Enterprise Server:
    # Select this option to install a Domino Server
    # that provides both messaging and
    # application services, with support for Domino clusters.
    # Specifies the set of product options that are to be installed.
    # Specify the desired "installation_type" by its number.
    # Domino Messaging Server : 0
    # Domino Utility Server : 1
    # Domino Enterprise Server : 2
    # !!!
    installation_type = 2

    # "asp_install_option"
    # The option to setup an ASP server refers to the configuration of an
    # Application Service Provider server. This type of server can only be
    # configured after an Enterprise Server installation.
    # Setting asp_install_option = 1 below will cause the Domino Setup program
    # to configure the server appropriately for ASP functionality.
    # This will add security features not present in a normal configuration,
    # so do not set asp_install_option = 1 unless an ASP configuration is
    # specifically required for this server.
    # The dafault value will be set to 0 for all servers installation.
    asp_install_option = 0

    # "add_data_directories_only"
    # Set this setting to 1 if you only wish to add additional data directories
    # to your existing Domino installation. You do not need to specify
    # existing data directories when using this option. Note, however, that
    # both the "program_directory" &
    # "installation_type" settings must be set correctly so that the proper data
    # is installed. Specify the new data directories to be installed
    # as described in the "data_directories" section, below.
    add_data_directories_only = 0

    # "program_directory"
    # Specifies the path to which the Domino program directories & files
    # are to be installed. The top directory of the program tree is always
    # "lotus", and will be appended to the specified path if not supplied.
    # If the specified path is not /opt/ibm/lotus, a link will be created from
    # /opt/ibm/lotus to the program tree.
    # This path must be double-quoted.
    # !!!
    program_directory = "/opt/ibm/lotus"

    # The Domino 6 software no longer requires the /opt/lotus soft link for
    # handling multi- Domino Server installations on a single operating system.
    # You can now select your own option for the /opt/lotus soft link feature
    # if you have chosen a directory other than /opt/lotus for installation.
    # This default install program path /opt/lotus is changed to /opt/ibm/lotus
    # since Domino 7.
    # opt_lotus_softlink = 0; which means not creating "/opt/ibm/lotus" soft link;
    # its default is set to 0;
    # opt_lotus_softlink = 1; which means creating "/opt/ibm/lotus" soft link;
    opt_lotus_softlink = 0

    # "data_UNIX_user"
    # Specifies the (default) Domino UNIX user which will own the
    # Domino Data Directories, and will be used to run the Domino Server.
    # The "data_UNIX_user" setting may be overridden for a particular
    # data directory in the "data_directories" or "custom host settings"
    # sections, below.
    # Please note that the Domino program files will be owned by the system,
    # and that this setting affects only the Domino Data Directories
    # !!!
    data_UNIX_user = "notes"

    # "data_UNIX_group"
    # Specifies the (default) Domino UNIX group which will own the
    # Domino Data Directories.
    # The Domino UNIX user must be a member of this group.
    # The "data_UNIX_group" setting may be overridden for a particular
    # data directory in the "data_directories" or "custom host settings"
    # sections, below.
    # Please note that the Domino program files will be owned by the system,
    # and that this setting affects only the Domino Data Directories
    # !!!
    data_UNIX_group = "notes"

    # "data_directories"
    # Defines settings for one or more Domino Data Directories to be installed.
    # You would define more than one data directory here if you want to run
    # multiple Domino Partitioned Servers on the same computer.
    # You must define at least one data directory. In the "data_directories:"
    # entry below, edit the path "/local/notesdata" as necessary.
    # To define more than one data directory, copy and paste the
    # "data_directories:" entry below (from the line begining with
    # "data_directories:", to the line containing the '}' character) as many
    # times as necessary, one for each data directory. Then edit the
    # path (must be double-quoted) and/or owner settings for each.

    data_directories: "/local/notesdata" {
    # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults
    # data_UNIX_user = "notes"
    # data_UNIX_group = "notes"

    # end "Default Settings" sections

    # "custom_host_settings"
    # When the "target_hosts" setting is used to install to multiple hosts,
    # the settings from the "Default Settings" sections above are used for
    # for each host, unless there is a "custom_host_settings" entry
    # specified for a particular host. The "custom_host_settings" entry allows
    # you to override one or more of the install settings for a particular host.
    # You may have zero or more "custom_host_settings" entries; one for each
    # host for which you need to override the default settings.
    # To make a "custom_host_settings" entry, copy the example entry below
    # from the first line ("#custom_host_settings: TargetHostname {") to the
    # last ("}"). Change "TargetHostName" in the first line to the hostname
    # for which you need to override default settings. Then remove the
    # comment character ("#") from the first and last lines, and from
    # setting lines you need to override. Now edit those settings as
    # described in the "Default Settings" sections above. Repeat for
    # as many hosts as necessary.
    # !!!
    #custom_host_settings: TargetHostname {
    # installation_type = 0
    # opt_lotus_softlink=0
    # program_directory = "/opt/ibm/lotus"
    # data_UNIX_user = "notes"
    # data_UNIX_group = "notes"
    # # add additional "data_directories:" entries as necessary, as
    # # explained in the "data_directories:" section above
    # data_directories: "/local/notesdata" {
    # # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults
    # # data_UNIX_user = "notes"
    # # data_UNIX_group = "notes"
    # }


    # InstallShield Options File
    # Wizard name: Install
    # Wizard source: setup.jar
    # Created on: Wed Jul 13 15:00:03 EDT 2005
    # Created by: InstallShield Options File Generator
    # This file contains values that were specified during a recent execution of
    # Install. It can be used to configure Install with the options specified below
    # when the wizard is run with the "-options" command line option. Read each
    # setting's documentation for information on how to change its value.
    # A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
    # the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
    # wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
    # execution, use the following command line arguments when running the wizard:
    # -options "sample_response.txt" -silent

    # Lotus Domino Install Location
    # The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the
    # product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in
    # double-quotes. For example, to install the product to C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino, use
    # -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino"

    -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino"

    # Lotus Domino Is Partitioned Install
    # Determines if the install is to use partitioned directories or not. Specify a
    # true if this is a paritioned server install, otherwise false. For example, to
    # install partitioned servers, use
    # -W programFiles.isPartitioned=true

    -W programFiles.isPartitioned=false

    # Lotus Domino Data Install Location
    # The install location of the data files. Specify a valid directory into which
    # the data files should be installed. This property is ignored for partitioned
    # installs. For example, to install the non-partitioned data files to C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino\data, use
    # -W normalData.installLocationData="C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\data"

    -W normalData.installLocationData="C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\data"

    # Lotus Domino Number of Partitions
    # The number of partition directories to be installed. Specify a number between
    # 1 and 15. This property is used to determine how many of the
    # partitionData.installLocationDataX= lines are used below. For example, to
    # install 3 partitions, use
    # -W partitionData .numPartitions=3

    -W partitionData.numPartitions=0

    # Lotus Domino Install Partions Locations
    # The install location of the data files for each partition. Specify a valid
    # directory into which the data files should be installed. This property is
    # ignored for non-partitioned installs. It is suggested that you use the name of
    # your server as the name of the directory. For example, to install the
    # partitioned data files for MyServer , use
    # -W partitionData.installLocationData0="C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino\MyServer"
    # To install multiple partitions use a seperate directory line for each
    # partition, for example to install 3 partitions, use
    # -W partitionData.installLocationData0="C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino\MyServer1"
    # -W partitionData.installLocationData1="C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino\MyServer2"
    # -W partitionData.installLocationData2="C:\Program
    # Files\Lotus\Domino\MyServer3"

    -W partitionData.installLocationData0="C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data0"

    # Setup Type
    # The setup type to be used when installing the product in Express mode. Legal
    # values are:
    # UtilityServer - Domino Utility Server Express: Installs a Domino
    # server that provides application services only. Note
    # that it does not include support for messaging
    # services. See full licensing text for details.
    # MessagingServer - Domino Messaging Server Express: Installs a Domino
    # server that provides messaging services. Note that
    # it does not include support for application services
    # or Domino clusters.
    # CollaborationServer - Domino Collaboration Server Express: Installs a
    # Domino server that provides both messaging and
    # application services.
    # For example, to specify that the "Domino Utility Server Express" setup type is
    # selected, use
    # -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=UtilityServer
    # You may also set the setup type to nothing by using
    # -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetypTypeId=
    # This clears the current setup type and prevents any changes to the set of
    # selected features. Use this option whenever you set feature active states in
    # this options file. If you do not clear the selected setup type, the setup type
    # panel will override any changes you make to feature active states using this
    # file.

    -W ExpressSetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=CollaborationServer

    # Setup Type
    # The setup type to be used when installing the product. Legal values are:
    # UtilityServer - Domino Utility Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides application services only. Note that it does
    # not include support for messaging services. See full
    # licensing text for details.
    # MessagingServer - Messaging Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides messaging services. Note that it does not
    # include support for application services or Domino
    # clusters.
    # EnterpriseServer - Enterprise Server: Installs a Domino server that
    # provides both messaging and application services.
    # CustomServer - Customize: Allows you to select the features you want
    # to install.
    # For example, to specify that the "Domino Utility Server" setup type is
    # selected, use
    # -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=UtilityServer
    # You may also set the setup type to nothing by using
    # -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetypTypeId=
    # This clears the current setup type and prevents any changes to the set of
    # selected features. Use this option whenever you set feature active states in
    # this options file. If you do not clear the selected setup type, the setup type
    # panel will override any changes you make to feature active states using this
    # file.

    -W SetupTypePanel.selectedSetupTypeId=EnterpriseServer

    # "License" Feature
    # The selection state of the "License" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "License" for installation, use
    # -P LicenseFeature.active=true

    -P LicenseFeature.active=true

    # "Program Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Program Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Program Files" for installation, use
    # -P ProgramFilesFeature.active=true

    -P ProgramFilesFeature.active=true

    # "Billing Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Billing Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Billing Support" for installation, use
    # -P bean2090.active=true

    -P bean2090.active=true

    # "Clustering Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Clustering Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Clustering Support" for installation, use
    # -P bean1072.active=true

    -P bean1072.active=true

    # "Optional Network Drivers" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Optional Network Drivers" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Optional Network Drivers" for installation, use
    # -P bean2225.active=true

    -P bean2225.active=true

    # "Symbol Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Symbol Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Symbol Files" for installation, use
    # -P bean2247.active=true

    -P bean2247.active=true

    # "Java Support" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Java Support" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Java Support" for installation, use
    # -P bean2236.active=true

    -P bean2236.active=true

    # "Data Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Data Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Data Files" for installation, use
    # -P DataFilesFeature.active=true

    -P DataFilesFeature.active=true

    # "Required Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Required Templates" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Required Templates" for installation, use
    # -P bean773.active=true

    -P bean773.active=true

    # "Administration Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Administration Templates" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Administration Templates" for installation, use
    # -P bean3252.active=true

    -P bean3252.active=true

    # "Optional Templates" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Optional Templates" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Optional Templates" for installation, use
    # -P bean3301.active=true

    -P bean3301.active=true

    # "Modem Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Modem Files" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Modem Files" for installation, use
    # -P bean3230.active=true

    -P bean3230.active=true

    # "Domino WAS Plugins" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino WAS Plugins" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino WAS Plugins" for installation, use
    # -P bean3241.active=true

    -P bean3241.active=true

    # "Certificate Management" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Certificate Management" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Certificate Management" for installation, use
    # -P bean3271.active=true

    -P bean3271.active=true

    # "Web Services Data Files" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Web Services Data Files" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Web Services Data Files" for installation, use
    # -P bean3290.active=true

    -P bean3290.active=true

    # "Readme - NSF File" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Readme - NSF File" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Readme - NSF File" for installation, use
    # -P bean3312.active=true

    -P bean3312.active=true

    # "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" feature.
    # Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" for installation,
    # use
    # -P DAMOFeature.active=true

    -P DAMOFeature.active=true

    # "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" feature.
    # Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Enterprise Connection Services" for
    # installation, use
    # -P DECSFeature.active=true

    -P DECSFeature.active=true

    # "Domino Offline Services" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Offline Services" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Offline Services" for installation, use
    # -P DOLSFeature.active=true

    -P DOLSFeature.active=true

    # "Domino Web Access" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Web Access" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Web Access" for installation, use
    # -P DWAFeature.active=true

    -P DWAFeature.active=true

    # "Sametime Integration" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Sametime Integration" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Sametime Integration" for installation, use
    # -P SametimeIntegrationFeature.active=true

    -P SametimeIntegrationFeature.active=true

    # "Domino Directory Sync Services" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino Directory Sync Services" feature. Legal
    # values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino Directory Sync Services" for installation, use
    # -P DSyncFeature.active=true

    -P DSyncFeature.active=true

    # "Domino As A Windows Service" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Domino As A Windows Service" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Domino As A Windows Service" for installation, use
    # -P DServiceFeature.active=true

    -P DServiceFeature.active=true

    # "Performance Monitoring" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Performance Monitoring" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Performance Monitoring" for installation, use
    # -P PerfmonFeature.active=true

    -P PerfmonFeature.active=true

    # "Resource Modeling Engine" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Resource Modeling Engine" feature. Legal values
    # are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Resource Modeling Engine" for installation, use
    # -P RMEFeature.active=true

    -P RMEFeature.active=true

    # "Help" Feature
    # The selection state of the "Help" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "Help" for installation, use
    # -P HelpFeature.active=true

    -P HelpFeature.active=true

    # "OS Integration" Feature
    # The selection state of the "OS Integration" feature. Legal values are:
    # true - Indicates that the feature is selected for installation
    # false - Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation
    # For example, to select "OS Integration" for installation, use
    # -P OSIntegFeature.active=true

    -P OSIntegFeature.active=true


    Record of Oracle implement (2008-08-06)

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    Confirm the scope of Oracle with Vladimir.
    Get the new HW quote on tomorrow.


    Domino 笔记 (Installing and Seting up Domino server)

    Before install

    Temporarily disable any screen savers and turn off any virus-detection software.

    Default installing directory





    You should point the location of notes.ini before running server
    (I usually run server on the directory of notes.ini)

    Silent install
    Setup command
    setup.exe -silent [Silent install with default selections and options]
    setup.exe -options-template c:\temp\file.txt [Creating a Response file]
    setup.exe -options-record c;\temp\file.txt [Recording a response file]
    setup.exe -silent -options c:\temp\file.txt [Silent install using response file]
    You can get the sample_response.txt on the installing CD. [You can modify it for meeting your request.
    setup.exe -express [You can install Domino very fast]
    You should copy the unix_response.dat/remote_response.dat to a new file unix_response1.dat/remote_response.dat
    edit unix_response1.dat/remote_response1.dat
    ./install -script /tmp/unix_response1.dat [on local]
    ./install -script /tmp/remote1_response1.dat [on remote such as by putty]
    concurrent I/O (CIO) and direct I/O (DIO) not support on Domnio servers on AIX

    The configure procedure

    Note: Domino first server setup creates IDs with a default public key width of 1024 bits. If a different key width is required, run SETUP.EXE to install the Domino files but before starting the server, open the server’s NOTES.INI file, and then set SETUP_FIRST_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_WIDTH to the desired key width. For example, for Domino R5-compatible keys, install the files for the Domino server by running SETUP.EXE, but before starting the server, open the NOTES.INI file and then set
    SETUP_FIRST_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_WIDTH=630. The public key width can be set to either 630 or 1024
    when using the NOTES.INI variable.

    Setting up the first Domino server does the following:
    v Creates a Domino domain.
    v Creates the certification log file, names it CERTLOG.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    Chapter 3. Installing and Setting Up Domino Servers 59
    v Uses the PUBNAMES.NTF template to create the Domino Directory for the domain, names the
    directory NAMES.NSF, and places it in the Domino data directory.
    v Creates an organization certifier ID, names it CERT.ID, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Optionally creates an organizational unit certifier ID, names it OUCERT.ID, and stores it in the Domino
    v Creates a Certifier document, which describes the organization certifier ID, in the Domino Directory.
    v Creates a server ID, names it SERVER.ID, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Uses the organization certifier ID to certify the server ID.
    v Creates a Server document in the Domino Directory and includes in it information that you specified
    during the setup program.
    v Creates a Person document in the Domino Directory for the Domino Administrator that you specified
    during the setup program.
    v Creates a user ID and password for the Domino Administrator and attaches it as a file named USER.ID
    to the administrator’s Person document in the Domino Directory.
    v Uses the organization certifier ID to certify the administrator’s user ID.
    v Gives the administrator and the server Manager access in the ACL of the Domino Directory.
    v Adds the server name to the LocalDomainServers group in the Domino Directory.
    v Creates the log file, names it LOG.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Enables the appropriate network and serial ports.
    v Creates a mail directory in the Domino data directory and creates a mail file in that directory for the
    Domino Administrator.
    v Creates the Reports file, names it REPORTS.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Updates network settings in the Server document of the Domino Directory.
    v Configures SMTP, if selected during the setup program.
    v If ″DOLS Domino Off Line Services″ was selected during the setup program, creates the Off-Line
    Services file, names it DOLADMIN.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory,.
    v Updates the Access Control List in all databases and templates in the Domino data directory tree toremove Anonymous access and/or add LocalDomainAdmin access, depending on the selections made during the setup program.
    v Configures xSP Service Provider information, if selected during the install program.
    Setting up an additional Domino server does the following:
    v Copies the Domino Directory, if a file location was specified during the setup program, names it
    NAMES.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Dials the existing Domino server if the connection is made through a modem (possible only on
    Windows systems).
    v Copies the server’s ID from the location specified during the setup program, either from a file, a copy
    of the directory, or the existing Domino server’s directory; names it SERVER.ID; and saves it in the
    Domino data directory.
    v Retrieves the Domain name and Administrator name from the Server document in the Domino
    v Creates the log file, names it LOG.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Copies or replicates the Administration Requests file, names it ADMIN4.NSF, and saves it in the
    Domino data directory.
    v Copies or replicates the Monitoring Configuration file, names it EVENTS4.NSF, and saves it in the
    Domino data directory.
    v Replicates the Domino Directory, if it doesn’t already exist, names it NAMES.NSF, and saves it in the
    Domino data directory.
    v Creates a Connection document to the existing Domino server in the Domino Directory.
    60 Lotus Domino Administrator 7 Help
    v Creates the Reports file, names it REPORTS.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Updates network settings in the Server document of the Domino Directory.
    v Configures SMTP, if selected during the setup program.
    v If ″DOLS Domino Off-Line Services″ was selected during the setup program, creates the Off-Line
    Services file, names it DOLADMIN.NSF, and saves it in the Domino data directory.
    v Updates the Access Control List in all databases and templates in the Domino data directory tree to
    remove Anonymous access and/or add LocalDomainAdmin access, depending on the selections made
    during the setup program.
    v Configures xSP Service Provider information, if selected during the install program.
    v Replicates changes made to the Server document with the existing server, if any.
    v Removes the SERVER.ID attachment from the Domino Directory, if applicable.

    Configure DOLS (Domino off-line services) during Domino server setup.
    1.Under "setup internet services for" select "Web Browsers (HTTP Services)," and then click Customize.
    2.In the "Domino tasks" list, select "DOLS Domino Off-Line services".
    At the end of setup, when you have the option to create an access control list entry, add the group LocalDomainAdmins to all databases and templates.
    4.Accept the default option "Prohibit Anonymous access to all database and templates." If you deselect this option, you must open the ACL for each DOLS application and assign No Access to Anonymous.

    Configure DOLS manually
    open-server document-internet protocols-HTTP
    Fill the proper name in the DSAPI filter file name that corresponds to the OS that the server is running.
    Restart Domino server.
    [ Win32-ndolextn
    Solaris/Sparc -libdolextn
    Create a DOLADMIN.nsf database from template DOLADMIN.NTF
    Restart Domino server.
    Open DOLADMIN.nsf.
    Configure DOLS use web sit documents

    DWA+ Sametime [ I haven't tested sametime. I will create a new topic for samtime later]

    Setting up Domino Web Access on a server
    Domino Web Access provides Notes users with browser-based access to Notes mail and Notes calendar
    and scheduling features. Using Domino Web Access, a user can send and receive mail, view the calendar,
    invite people to meetings, create to do lists, keep a notebook, and work off line.
    To set up Domino Web Access, choose ″Web Browsers (HTTP Web services)″ during Server Setup. If you
    want to give users the ability to work off line, also choose Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS). DOLS is
    not required to run Domino Web Access.
    Note: When providing a Domino domain name, do not use a period. For example, use AcmeProduction
    as a domain name instead of Acme.Production.
    In the Domino Administrator, make sure that the Fully Qualified Domain name (FQDN) (such as
    acme.lotus.com) is specified on the Basics tab of the Server document.
    Setting up Domino Web Access with Sametime
    Domino Web Access (DWA) integrates an instant messaging (IM) capability so that users can chat with
    their co-workers online and maintain an instant messaging list that shows the online status of other users.
    The instant messaging awareness feature also displays online status next to the names of people in mail
    messages, views and folders.
    There are two versions of Sametime available for Domino 7.0, however these instruction apply to both
    version. References to the Sametime server also apply to installing the limited use version. The two
    versions are:
    v IBM Lotus Instant Messaging Limited Use -- the default instant messaging capability that is included in
    Domino 7.0.
    v IBM Lotus Sametime® -- the full instant messaging product that includes Web conferencing capabilities.
    It is available only if your organization purchased it.
    For complete information on installing IBM Lotus Sametime, see the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Installation
    Guide for your operating system, and the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Administrator’s Guide. To view or
    download the Sametime documentation, go to http://www.lotus.com/LDD/doc.
    Configuration Notes:
    v For Mozilla, you must have at least Sametime 3.1 to run instant messaging integration. Previous
    versions of Lotus Sametime are not supported in Domino Web Access on Mozilla.
    v When you install Domino 7.0, the stlinks files that are installed in the stlinks directory (for example,
    C:\st\domino\Data\domino\html\sametime\stlinks), are overwritten. If you have modified stlinks
    files (for example, if the Sametime server is configured for tunneling) these files will be replaced. When
    you are upgrade to 7.0, these files are backed up in a file called stlinks.sav. For additional information,
    see the topic Customizing STLinks files for tunneling or reverse proxy servers.
    v To access the Sametime server using a protocol that is different from the current Web page’s protocol,
    use the NOTES.INI configuration setting iNotes_WA_SametimeProtocol.
    v Sametime integration with Domino Web Access is not supported with JRE 1.4.1.
    Part 1 - Set up Domino Web Access on a Domino server:
    1. Set up Domino Web Access on a server by making the appropriate selections during server setup.
    2. Register users with the Domino Web Access (DWA7.NTF) mail template.
    Chapter 3. Installing and Setting Up Domino Servers 63
    Part 2 - Set up the Sametime server: If possible, the Sametime server should be in the same Domino
    domain as the Domino Web Access server. Follow the instructions in the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0
    Installation Guide to install and configure instant messaging on a dedicated Domino server in the same
    Domino domain as the Domino Web Access server.
    If the Sametime server is in a different domain than your Domino Web Access server, follow the
    instructions in Setting up Sametime and Domino Web Access in different domains.
    Make sure the Sametime server is functioning properly before proceeding. If you have multiple Sametime
    servers in a single community, also make sure that Domino single sign-on (SSO) is functioning properly
    between the servers. For complete information on working with multiple Sametime servers, see the IBM
    Lotus Sametime 7.0 Administrator’s Guide, available on http:\\www.lotus.com/ldd/doc.
    Part 3 - Create Connection documents: You need Connection documents for the Domino Web Access
    and the Sametime server if the Sametime server is not in the same domain as the Domino Web Access
    server. Also, if the Sametime server is in the same domain as the Domino Web Access server, but is not
    clustered with the registration server, you need a Connection document in order to replicate the Domino
    Create Connection documents using the standard procedure, and include the information below:
    On the Domino Web Access server:
    v Enter the Sametime server’s name in the ″Destination server″ field. For example: Sametime/Acme.
    v Enter the Domino Web Access server’s name in the ″Source domain″ field.
    v Enter the Sametime server’s name in the ″Destination domain″ field.
    On the Sametime server:
    v Enter the Domino Web Access server’s name in the ″Destination server″ field.
    v Enter the Sametime server’s name in the ″Source domain″ field.
    v Enter the Domino Web Access server’s name in the ″Destination domain″ field.
    Part 4 - Specify the Sametime server for Domino Web Access users: There are two ways to specify a
    Sametime server for Domino Web Access users. You can edit the Configuration Settings document for the
    Domino Web Access server, or you can edit the person document for each user who uses instant
    Method 1
    To enable instant messaging and set the Sametime server for all Domino Web Access users at one time,
    use the Instant Messaging settings in the Configuration Settings document, Domino Web Access tab. After
    you have done this, individual users can enable or disable instant messaging on their local Domino Web
    Access clients by setting a User Preference.
    Method 2
    If you choose not to enable instant messaging for all users, then you must edit the person document for
    each user who will use instant messaging:
    1. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.
    2. Select the Domino Web Access Domino directory, then click People.
    3. Double-click a name to open the user’s Person document.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. Enter the name of the Sametime server in the ″Sametime server″ field. For example,
    6. Click ″Save & Close.″
    7. Repeat Steps 3 though 6 for each person.
    Part 5 - Set up Domino Web SSO authentication between the DWA server and IM server: Domino
    single sign-on (SSO) authentication allows Web users to log in once to a Domino or WebSphere server,
    and then access any other Domino or WebSphere server in the same DNS domain that is enabled for
    single sign-on (SSO) without having to log in again. In a multiple server environment, it is possible that
    one or more servers in your Domino domain are already configured for Domino SSO, and the Domino
    Directory already contains a Domino Web SSO configuration document. When you install Sametime, it
    creates a Web SSO configuration document called LtpaToken unless one already exists in the Domino
    directory. If an LtpaToken configuration document already exists, Sametime does not attempt to alter it.
    For more information about Domino Web SSO authentication, see the topic Multi-server session-based
    name-and-password authentication for Web users (single sign-on).
    Configure the Domino Web Access server for Web SSO
    Complete the steps in this section if your DWA server is not configured for Web SSO, and you want to
    use the Web SSO document that Sametime created to configure it.
    1. Ensure that the Domino Directory has replicated throughout the Domino domain since you installed
    2. Update the Web SSO Configuration document that was created when you installed Sametime
    a. Open the Domino Directory and select the Configurations - Web - Web Configurations view.
    b. From within this view, expand the list of Web SSO Configurations.
    c. Open the ″Web SSO Configuration for LtpaToken″ document in edit mode. (If you are unable to
    edit the document, record the settings in the document, and then delete it and create a new one.)
    d. Update these fields if necessary:
    Domino Server Names -- make sure this field contains the name of all of the DWA servers and
    Sametime servers that should participate in Single Sign-on.
    DNS Domain -- make sure this is the fully-qualified domain name of the DWA and Sametime
    e. Click Save & Close.
    3. Enable single sign-on and basic authentication in the Server document for the DWA server as
    described in Enabling single sign-on and basic authentication. When you update the Web SSO
    Configuration field, select LtpaToken from the list.
    4. Ensure that the updates replicate to all of the servers in the domain.
    Update Domino Web Access server Web SSO configuration
    Complete the steps in this section if your DWA server is already configured for Domino Web SSO. You
    must add the Sametime server to your configuration:
    1. Update your existing Domino Web SSO Configuration document.
    a. Open the Domino Directory and select the Configurations - Web - Web Configurations view.
    b. From within this view, expand the list of Web SSO Configurations.
    c. Open the Domino Web SSO document that you are using for your DWA server in edit mode.
    d. Update these fields if necessary:
    Domino Server Names -- make sure this field contains the name of all of the DWA servers and
    Sametime servers that should participate in Single Sign-on.
    DNS Domain -- make sure this is the fully-qualified domain name of the Sametime server.
    e. Click save & Close.
    2. Update the Server document for the Sametime server.
    a. Open the server document.
    b. Click Internet Protocols - Domino Web Engine, and select the Web SSO Configuration field.
    c. From the drop-down list, select the Web SSO Configuration that you are using for the DWA server.
    d. Click Save & Close.
    3. Ensure that the updates replicate to all of the servers in the domain.
    Although Domino SSO is the preferred authentication method, you can continue to use secrets and
    tokens authentication databases, if you are already using them. For example, if any of the servers in your
    domain is configured for something other than multiple server SSO, (single server SSO for example) you
    must use secrets and tokens authentication. For information on setting up Secrets and Tokens
    authentication, see the topic Setting up Secrets and Tokens authentication for instant messaging in
    Domino Web Access.
    Part 6 - (for mixed environments only) Copy the SametimeApplet folder on the Domino Web Access
    server to the Sametime server: For a mixed environment, in which the users’ mail files are based on the
    INOTES5.NTF mail template, and they are using Domino Web Access Chat, you must copy the
    SametimeApplet folder from the Domino Web Access server to the same location on the Sametime server.
    On the Domino Web Access server, the applets are located in the \domino\html
    Note: Chat is the Domino Web Access feature that provided awareness and allowed people to chat with
    co-workers in Domino Web Access prior to 6.5.2. To use Chat, you must also lower the value of the
    instant messaging security setting in the SAMETIME.INI file to allow a connection from an older client.
    For iNotes5 and iNotes6 mail templates, use VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=20. For more information on
    specifying the minimum security level, see the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Installation Guide (available on
    http://www.lotus.com/LDD/doc), which details this setting.
    Part 7 - Verify that instant messaging works with Domino Web Access:
    1. Make sure that replication is complete, the Person documents exist on the Sametime server, and that
    the updated Web SSO document exists on all of the servers that will participate in single sign-on..
    2. If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Installation
    Guide to verify that instant messaging is working properly before you test whether it is working with
    Domino Web Access clients.
    3. Launch Domino Web Access in a browser. In any view or document in which online awareness
    appears, click the Active status icon of the person you want to chat with to test the instant messaging
    Note: If the instant messaging status does not appear next to the Welcome username text in Domino Web
    Access, check the user’s Person document in the Domino directory. If you configured the Sametime server
    by populating this document, make sure the ″Sametime server″ field is correct (Basics tab, under
    Real-Time Collaboration).
    Setting up Secrets and Tokens authentication for instant messaging in Domino
    Web Access
    If you want to use Secrets and Tokens authentication databases for your instant messaging security
    instead of Domino Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication, you must Create a one-time replica of the
    Tokens database on the Domino Web Access server. When you do this, remember that file names are case
    sensitive on UNIX, so the Secrets database name must be entered exactly as STAuthS.nsf.
    To replicate STAuthS.nsf from the Sametime server to the Domino server directory:
    1. Using a Notes client, choose File - Database - Open.
    2. Enter the name of the Sametime server (for example, Sametime/Acme).
    3. Enter the Secrets database filename: STAuthS.nsf
    4. Click Open.
    5. Choose File - Replication - New Replica.
    6. Enter the name of the Domino Web Access server (for example, iNotes/Acme)
    7. Ensure that the database is replicated to the data directory: ...\domino\data\stauths.nsf.
    8. Click OK to create the replica.
    Note: After you have replicated stauths.nsf from your Sametime server to your Domino server, open the
    Replication Settings dialog box for the database, click Other, and check the ″Temporarily disable
    replication for this replica″ box. This will prevent another version of the database from a Windows
    system from overwriting your name change (using uppercase and lowercase letters) for the UNIX server.
    Customizing STLinks files for tunneling or reverse proxy servers
    If your Sametime server is configured for tunneling or if you are using reverse proxy servers in your
    environment, you may need to customize some files on both your DWA server and your Sametime
    Using a custom port for tunneling: If the Sametime server is configured for tunneling on port other
    than 8082, you must modify the stlinks.js file on both the Sametime server and the DWA server.
    1. Locate the following directory on your Sametime server. This directory contains both the stlinks.js file
    and the hostinfo.js file.
    2. Copy the following two lines from the Hostinfo.js file to the beginning of the stlinks.js file (by default,
    there are only 2 lines in the Hostinfo.js file):
    The values you see for these variables in the hostinfo.js file should match your Sametime server
    tunneling configuration. For releases after 2.5, Sametime normally creates and automatically updates
    the content of these files on the Sametime server.
    3. Save the updated stlinks.js file on the Sametime server.
    Note: When you upgrade your Sametime server to a later release, the stlinks.js file is replaced with
    the default version and you must perform steps 1-3 again to update the file. It is also possible that
    installing a Sametime fix pack may make it necessary to restore the updates.
    4. Copy the updated stlinks.js file from the Sametime server to the DWA server, replacing the existing
    stlinks.js file in \domino\html\sametime\stlinks.
    Note: If the DWA server is running on i5/OS, make sure that the owner of the stlinks.js file is set to
    Using reverse proxy servers: If your network environment uses reverse proxy servers to protect the
    identities of servers behind a firewall, you may need to modify the stlinks.js file on both the DWA server
    and the Sametime server.
    You must modify the stlinks.js file if you want DWA users to be able to connect to the Sametime
    community inside the intranet even if they are outside the firewall. Stlinks.js is located in the following
    directory on each server: \domino\html\sametime\stlinks
    Two variables that provide reverse proxy support are included in stlinks.js:
    ll_RProxyName - the reverse proxy name
    ll_AffinityId - the Sametime server affinity ID
    To enable reverse proxy support, the server administrator must replace the defaults with appropriate
    values and uncomment the lines. For example:
    var ll_RProxyName="https://proxy.ibm.com";
    var ll_AffinityId="st1";
    Make sure you update the stlinks.js file on both the DWA server and the Sametime server.
    For more information about reverse proxy support, see the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Installation Guide
    (available on http://www.lotus.com/LDD/doc).
    Once you have customized the contents of the stlinks.js files, there are some issues related to future
    server upgrades that you need to be aware of:
    v When you upgrade Domino to a new release, the customized STLinks files may be replaced, and
    DWA-Sametime integration to stop working. This can occur when you upgrade Domino on either the
    DWA server or the Sametime server.
    In recent Domino releases, the original contents of the STlinks directory are backed up to the following
    directory before the files are replaced:
    Windows: \domino\html\sametime\stlinks.save
    AIX and Solaris: /domino/html/sametime/stlinks.save
    i5/OS: /domino/html/sametime/stlinks/stlinks.sav
    After you upgrade Domino on either the DWA server or the Sametime server, restore any stlinks.js
    customizations from the file in the backup directory to the file in the stlinks directory.
    v When you update the level of Sametime by installing a newer release of Sametime or applying a fix
    pack, it is possible that you will also need to copy the newer version of the stlinks directory to your
    DWA server. Make sure you check the documentation that accompanies the Sametime update to
    determine if this is necessary. If this occurs, you will need to reapply your stlinks.js customizations on
    each of the servers.
    Setting up Sametime and Domino Web Access in different domains
    If you prefer to use Web single sign on (SSO) authentication, see the topic Setting up the Web SSO
    Configuration document for more than one Domino Domain.
    To set up a cross-domain configuration when the Sametime server and the Domino Web Access server are
    located in different domains:
    1. Cross certify both domains with each other.
    2. Configure Directory Assistance on the Sametime server.
    3. If you have set up single sign on (SSO), go to Step 4. If you do not have SSO set up, replicate
    STAuthS.nsf to the Domino Web Access Server (file name is case sensitive on UNIX servers).
    4. Create a server document for the Sametime server in the Domino Directory of the Domino Web
    Access server, completing the fields below. Another way to do this is to edit Configuration Settings
    document, Domino Web Access tab, and enter the Sametime server name in the in the field ″Set an
    instant messaging server hostname for all DWA users.″ If you use this setting, you do not need to
    complete Step 5.
    v Server name
    v Domain name
    v Fully qualified Internet host name
    v Is this a Sametime server?
    5. Enter the Sametime server name in the Sametime Server field of each Domino Web Access user’s
    Person document.
    Note: If the Sametime server is configured using a port other than the default port, then the ″Fully
    Qualified Hostname″ field must contain hostname:port.
    For complete information on working with multiple Sametime servers, see the IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0
    Administrator’s Guide, available on http://www.lotus.com/LDD/doc.
    Troubleshooting Sametime in Domino Web Access
    If instant messaging icons do not display in Domino Web Access mail and the Contact List, check the
    v The Sametime server is up running. To make sure stlinks is running normally, you can check the
    Sametime server directory \trace\stlinks.txt log file.
    v All the ST**** services are up running. Check the control panel - services; all ST**** services should be
    running when the Sametime server has fully started. If there are ST**** services not running, start
    STCommunity server first. If this service cannot be started, check the network connections and the
    Sametime server log file.
    v Make sure the \stlinks directory and the files are on both the Sametime server and application server
    v When you update the level of Sametime by installing a newer release of Sametime or applying a fix
    pack, it is possible that you will also need to update the stlinks files on your DWA server. Make sure
    you check the documentation that accompanies the Sametime update.
    v If you had previously customized the STLinks files and have recently upgraded either your Sametime
    server or your Domino Web Access server to a new version of Domino, the customized files may have
    been replaced. See the topic Customizing STLinks files for tunneling or Reverse Proxy servers.
    v Make sure the user has enabled Instant Messaging in Preferences.
    v Make sure the user’s Person document has been set up with the Sametime server names.
    v Use the http:// protocol only for the Sametime server.
    To identify the current Sametime server version:
    1. Type the following URL: http:///stcenter.nsf if the Sametime server is
    running on a Windows platform. To avoid case sensitive issues on other platforms, search for the file
    under /stcenter.nsf and use the file name case as it shown there.
    2. At the bottom of the page, click Administer the Server.
    3. Login to Instant Messaging, and then click Help - About Sametime.
    Browser Address: The instant messaging integration features rely on the ability of the browser to
    directly communicate with the Sametime server. This means that the fully-qualified Internet hostname of
    the Sametime server must be resolvable from the browser (for example, the fully qualified Internet
    hostname for a Domino server named IM/Acme might be im.acme.com).
    Therefore, either DNS must be able to resolve this address or it must be resolved to the proper IP address
    by some other mechanism (such as editing of the local operating system’s hosts file).

    Enabling automatic server setup from the script file

    Open your script file
    Change the variable: start _server_setup =
    (0 To disable automatic server setup
    1 To enable automatic launch server setup afer installation or to automatically restart the server after a server upgrade
    2 To automatically launch server setup in listen mode after installing a new server. you can then connect to the server using the remote server setup tool. To automatically restart the server after installing a server upgrade.)
    we need add the parameter in the script.dat before instlling Domino by command.
    Using the Domino Server setup program remotely
    Sratr->all programs->Lotus applications->Remote server setup (Default port is 85850
    First you should run
    nserver -lsten (Windows)
    server -listen (Unix)
    You should run server on the notesdata directory where the notes.ini locate in.
    My profile
    notes@LT:/local/notesdata$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server -listen
    You should rut server by a user who doesn't belong root.
    Install Domino on Unix and Unix enviroument settings

    Use remote server setup from a windows client without Domino administrator, or from a UNIX work station.

    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup.cmd from the Domino server of directory to C:\temp (X:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino) Run remotesetup.cmd (Windows)
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup from the Domino server of directory to \temp (/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/80010/linux)
    chmod 755 cfgdomserver.jar
    chmod 755
    chmod 755 remotesetup
    ./ remotesetup

    You can run the following command on domino server for remote installing Domino server.
    nserver -remote (windows)
    server -remote (Unix)

    Creating a server setup profile

    On server
    nserver -record (Windows)
    server -record (Unix)

    On Domino administrators client
    serversetup -record

    On without Domino administrator, or from a UNIX work station.
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup.cmd from the Domino server of directory to C:\temp (X:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino) Run remotesetup.cmd (Windows)
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup from the Domino server of directory to \temp (/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/80010/linux)
    chmod 755 cfgdomserver.jar
    chmod 755
    chmod 755 remotesetup
    remotesetup.cmd -record (Windows)
    remotesetup -record (Unix)
    Use a setup profile at the server
    nserver -playback (Windows)
    server -playback (Unix)
    Click browser select record file.
    To use a setup profile from a windows client with Domino Adminstrator
    Run serversetup -playback
    on the directory where the Domino Administrator have been installed.
    On without Domino administrator, or from a UNIX work station.
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup.cmd from the Domino server of directory to C:\temp (X:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino) Run remotesetup.cmd (Windows)
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup from the Domino server of directory to \temp (/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/80010/linux)
    chmod 755 cfgdomserver.jar
    chmod 755
    chmod 755 remotesetup
    remotesetup.cmd -playback (windows)
    remotesetup -playback (Unix)

    Silent setup

    You should run the following command on Domino server.
    nserver -silent c:\myprofile.pds (Windows)
    server -silent /myprofile.pds (unix)
    (Myprofile is the name you gave to the profile file)
    If the profile uses existing server, certifier, or administrator IDs that require passwords,do the following
    a. Create a test file that contains the passwords for existing IDs. The keyword in this are:
    b. Add a parameter in the command line for the name of password file.
    nserver -silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt (Windows no partitioned server setup)
    nserver -silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt =c:\lotus\domino\data2\notes.ini (Windows with partitioned server setup)
    You can check errorlog.txt in the domino data directory to confirm that the setup is complete or to view any error messagas that were generated during setup.

    To do silent setup server
    on Domino administrators client
    serversetup -silent c:\myprofile.pds -remote serveraddress
    If the profile uses existing server, certifier, or administrator IDs that require passwords,do the following
    a. Create a test file that contains the passwords for existing IDs. The keyword in this are:
    b. Add a parameter in the command line for the name of password file.
    serversetup -silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt
    -remote serveraddress (Windows no partitioned server setup)
    serversetup -silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt -remote serveraddress =c:\lotus\domino\data2\notes.ini (Windows with partitioned server setup)
    You can check errorlog.txt in the domino data directory to confirm that the setup is complete or to view any error messagas that were generated during setup.

    To do a silent setup on without Domino administrator, or from a UNIX work station.
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup.cmd from the Domino server of directory to C:\temp (X:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino) Run remotesetup.cmd (Windows)
    Copy cfgdomserver.jar jhall.jar remotesetup from the Domino server of directory to \temp (/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/80010/linux)
    chmod 755 cfgdomserver.jar
    chmod 755
    chmod 755 remotesetup
    c:\myprofile.pds -remote serveraddress (windows)
    remotesetup \temp\myprofile.pds
    -remote serveraddress (Unix)
    If the profile uses existing server, certifier, or administrator IDs that require passwords,do the following
    a. Create a test file that contains the passwords for existing IDs. The keyword in this are:
    b. Add a parameter in the command line for the name of password file.
    remotesetup.cmd -silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt -remote serveraddress (Windows no partitioned server setup)
    remotesetup.cmd-silent c:\myprofile.pds c:\passwd.txt -remote serveraddress =c:\lotus\domino\data2\notes.ini (Windows with partitioned server setup)
    You can check errorlog.txt in the domino data directory to confirm that the setup is complete or to view any error messagas that were generated during setup.

    Server registration
    When you register a server, Domino does the following
    1) Create a server ID for the new server in the Domino Directory
    2)Create a Server document for the new server and certifies it with the certifier ID
    3)Encrypts and attaches the server ID to the Server Document and saves the ID on a disk or in a file on the server.
    4)Adds the server name to the LcoalDomainServers group in the Domino Directory
    5)Creates a n entry for the new server in the Certifivation Log (CERTLOG.NSF)
    When you register a server by CA, Domino does the following
    1)The registration process ccreates a certificate request in the Administration Request database (ADMIN4.nsf) to be processed by the server's internet CA.
    2)The registratiron process creates a "create SSL key ring" request ADMIN4.NSF
    3)Once you set up and start the new server and the "create SSL keying" request has replicated to it, the "create SSL key ring" request creats the server key ring file and an "enable SSL ports" request for the administration server of the Domino direcrtory.
    4)The "enable SSL ports" request enables all the SSL ports on the new server ans creates a "monitor SSL status" request for the new server.
    5)The "monitor SSL status" requests restarts all of the internet tasks currentlu running on the new server so that the tasks will accpet SSL connections.
    Registering a server

    From the Domino Administrator
    Configure->tools->Registration Server
    Select cert.id -> Enter pasword of cert.id
    Fill the proper information. Click continue
    In the register New Servers dailog box, complete the proper fields for each server that you want to register.

    Creating an addtional organization certifier ID

    From Domino Administrator ->Configuration
    Toos->Registration-> Organization->Select the proper server->
    fill the proper information.
    Click OK

    Creating an organization unit certifier ID

    Configuration -> Registration -> Organization Unit.
    Select the server which the OU belongs to.
    Internet Site documents
    Create an internet Site document
    Domino Administrator->configuration->Web->internet Sites->Add internet Site
    fill the proper information
    Click Save.
    Enabling Internet Sites on a server
    Configure->basics->enable "Loads internet configuration from server/internet sites documents"

    有谁知道 internet Site document 在生产环境中怎么用。