
Set up Calendar and schedule

Set up resource reservation database
Domino Administrator->File->Database -New->Select server->title->select Resource Reservations 8->OK
Set up the DB ACL for the resource reservations DB
Domino Administrator->File->Database->Access Control->add the proper user->assign CreateResource role to users
Set up the administrator server for the resource reservation database
Domino Administrator->file->select the resource reservation database->Tools->Database->Manage ACL->Advance->In the Administrator server field. click server and then specify a server name->OK
Create a sit and resource document
Open resource reservation database->New site->Complete proper fields
Click new resource->Complete proper fields
Delete a resource
Open resource reservation database->open resource which you want to delete->delete
Open admin4.nsf->Pending Administrator Approval->Open the Approve resource deletion request document->Edit->Approve Resource Deletion->Yes->OK
Add/Modify Holiday
Domino Administrator->Configuration->Miscellaneous-Holidays->Add/Edit holiday
To collect details calendar information from user calender
Open Domino Administrator-Configuration->Configurations->Enable "Use these settings as default settings for all users"->Extract canlendar details->Ok
