Open Domino Administrator->People & Groups->Select user->Tools->people->Rename.
->Change Common name->choose the register Cert ID of the user ID /proper CA which you want to change common name.
Fill proper information in the related fields.
Click OK. Run tell adminp P all .
Ok the user has been renamed.
Delete a user
By Domino administrator
Open Domino Administrator->People & Groups->Select user->Tools->people->Delete
Select the proper information Click OK
Open admin4.nsf->Pending Administrator approve->Pending by server->select request->Approve Requests->OK
Open webadmin.nsf by browser->People & Groups->select user->Tools->Delete
Select proper information->OK
Open admin4.nsf->Pending Administrator approve->Pending by server->select request->Approve Requests->OK.
Change a roaming user to nonroaming
Domino administrator->People & Groups ->select user->tool->Roaming->OK
Change a nonroaming user to roaming
You should disable DCC (Dynamic Client Configuration)
You should set DisableDynConfigClient=1 or remove the item DisableDynConfigClient.
Domino administrator->People & Groups ->select user->tool->Roaming->OK
Move a user name in the name hierarchy
Open Domino Administrator->People & Groups->Select people->tools->Rename
(The Honor old names for up to
* If you are using the Lotus Domino server-based CA, choose the server that is used to access the Domino Directory to look up the list of certifiers
*If you are supplying a certifier ID, select the server that is used to locate the list of certifiers so that the certifier ID file can be updated with the latest set of certificates to itself and all of its ancestors. This is also the server on which CERTLOG.NSF is updated.
Old Certifer
*Verify the information. If it is incorrect, cancel the procedure and begin again.
New Certifier
*Enter or select the new certifier. This is the name hierarchy that issues a certificate for the user in the new hirerarchy.
Edit or each entry before submitting request.
Select by default. Do one:
*Keep select. The rename person dialog box appears with non-modifiable fields of Primary and Alternate name information. Review the information for accuracy.
*If you do not want to verify each entry, clear the check box. Review the processing information that displays to verify that all bane changes were sucessful. If any fail, check the certifier Log to determine the reason for the failure.
->"Allow the primary name to be changed when the name is moved"->OK
(Ok - to submit the name change
Skip-If you are renaming more than one user name and you want to continue to the next name without submitting a name change for the current name.
Cancel Remaining Entrier- to cancel this name change and name changes for any other names you selected and have not yet submitted.
To complete the name change
Open Domino Administrator->server-analysis->administration requests (7)->Name Move requests->Select the name to move->Complete move...
Check admin4.nsf request log
Server-Administratrion Request
Broadcast message to Notes client users
Domino Administratr->server->Status->Notes user->Tool->user->broadcast message
Recertify a user
Domino Administrator-People & Groups->tools->Recertify
Domino Admin->Cofiguration->Certify->Choose a certifier->choose ID to certify->Enter password->OK->Certify
License Tracking
Enable /diable license tracking
Domino Administrator->Configuration->server->edit server-> Enable/disable SMTP tracking
Create Tracking.nsf by userlicense.ntf.
Calculating the number of license in use.
Domino Administrator->file->tracking.nsf->License->by server->Recalculate licenses.